“Advantages And Disadvantages Of Getting Married”
The decision to marry someone you love is a very important decision because, in our society, marriage is the structure people use to create a stable family unit and a man and woman marry with the intention of staying together for life.
When you are married, you can have unconditional love and stability, you don’t have to worry about dating or breaking up. Moreover, a married couple tends to have more free time and more money because the cost and work of a household are shared by two. And last but not least, inside a stable marriage it is possible to have and raise children.
The decision to marry someone you love is a very important decision because, in our society, marriage is the structure people use to create a stable family unit and a man and woman marry with the intention of staying together for life.
When you are married, you can have unconditional love and stability, you don’t have to worry about dating or breaking up. Moreover, a married couple tends to have more free time and more money because the cost and work of a household are shared by two. And last but not least, inside a stable marriage it is possible to have and raise children.
However, there is no rose without thorns, and marriage is no exception. When you get married, you are locked in with a single person so, if you like to be with a different person every week, marriage is not for you. What is more, you will give up a great deal of freedom because every decision will now be a compromise between two people.
As I said, saying I do has its pros and cons but in my opinion I'd rather be single because I think loneliness is an entirely personal decision and does not reflect a lack or absence of the typical ingredients of what life is made of, or that we’re lesser human beings.
La semana pasada me entregaron tal ensayo, corregido (obtuve una A-). Cuando tuve la posibilidad de releerlo, no solo no me gustó la forma en q lo redacte sino q, me quedé pensando en el último párrafo.
¿Cómo puedo engañarme así?
Digo q prefiero estar sola, q la soledad es una decisión enteramente personal y q, bajo ningún punto de vista, genera una ausencia en mi persona…
But this is bullshit…!
La soledad no se elige, es un estado en el q uno cae…producto de las circunstancias.
Toda la vida me engañé a mi misma, de la peor manera…
Hoy, ordenando mis cajones, encontré el dibujo q ven ahí…no recuerdo bien cuando lo hice…pero seguramente fue hace algunos años…
Dicha imagen representaba el esquema de mi corazón: impenetrable. Para llegar a él había q atravesar tres puertas excesivamente herméticas…
Sin dudas, todo ese lavado de cabeza q me hice a mi misma…hizo q nunca pudiera involucrarme sentimentalmente con nadie.
De todas formas, este “Brainwashing” no resultó muy satisfactorio porq, si bien en parte aprendí q manipular mis sentimientos, no logré ser más feliz de esta manera…sino q todo lo contrario…
Vivir en la seguridad emocional, no puede ser más aburrido…!
I need to get out…
1 comentario:
yo soy algo asi tambien, me digo a mi misma cosas que se que no son ciertas, me miento y me lo repito hasta que lo creo...es un manera engañosa de tener lo que quiero que me daña, que me hace mal
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